Chandigarh- The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) held a protest on Wednesday against the BJP-led Central government over the slow procurement of paddy and lifting of old grain from Punjab’s markets. As AAP leaders were about to gherao the BJP’s office, the Chandigarh Police detained them and used water cannons to stop them. There were clashes and jostling between AAP leaders and the police. During the scuffle, AAP Minister Harjot Bains’ turban came off, which escalated the matter and AAP leaders raised slogans against the police and the Central government. Besides Bains, the protest included other ministers, namely Harbhajan Singh, Tarunpreet Singh Sond, Lal Chand Kataruchak, Kuldeep Singh Dhaliwal, Laljit Singh Bhullar, Ravjot Singh, Hardeep Singh Mundia and the party’s Working President Principal Budh Ram. During the demonstration, Cabinet Minister Harbhajan Singh addressed the workers, stating every year in October paddy arrives in the markets. “However, this time, the Central government deliberately didn’t lift the old grain from godowns. Now, the markets are overflowing with paddy. Farmers, traders, sheller owners, and labourers are all distressed, but the Central government is not listening,” he said. He added that BJP leaders were spreading rumours to hide their mistakes. He claimed that the root of all problems lies with the Central government and its agency, the Food Corporation of India (FCI). The Punjab government has been writing to the FCI for the last seven to eight months, and Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has met Central ministers, but no action has been taken. “Our demonstration is in support of farmers, labourers, traders, and sheller owners, and against the Central government. We will fight for the rights of farmers until the end and will ensure a solution to the problem,” he said. Minister Bains said the Centre has always wronged Punjab. “Today I am not here as a minister, an MLA, or as a member of the Aam Aadmi Party, but as the son of a farmer from Punjab,” he said. Bains said his ancestors worked hard to make the land of Punjab cultivable and it is extremely unfortunate that while people across the country are celebrating Diwali, farmers in Punjab are struggling in the mandis. “Their fault is that they fought against the BJP government’s black agricultural laws,” he said.