Ayodhya- A day after Deepotsav, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath began his day on Thursday with a visit to Hanumangarhi, where he prayed to Bajrangbali. After performing the rituals at Hanumangarhi, he proceeded to Ramjanmabhoomi, where he prayed to Lord Ram Lala for the happiness and health of the people. Following his prayers, the Chief Minister visited the Meerapur Bulandi Dalit Basti in Abhiram Das Ward, where he distributed sweets and clothes to Dalit women on the occasion of Deepawali. He distributed chocolates to children as well. The joy on the children’s faces was evident as they received treats from the Chief Minister. Speaking to the media later, Chief Minister Adityanath remarked on the significance of Diwali, recalling how Ayodhya was illuminated with lamps in Treta Yuga after the 14-year exile of Lord Ram. He emphasised that this festival continues to resonate with devotees across the country. “This year is particularly special, as it marks the return of Lord Ram to his rightful abode after a 500-year gap,” he said. The Chief Minister highlighted that Diwali symbolises the spread of knowledge, faith, and prosperity. “I hope this festival inspires enthusiasm and joy among the people of our state and all followers of Sanatan Dharma,” he said, expressing his gratitude for being able to connect with the Hindu community during this auspicious time. After the celebrations in the Dalit colony, he visited Karsevakpuram to meet local sants, thanking them for their support in organising Deepotsav and wishing them a Happy Diwali. He said, “Deepotsav has become synonymous with Ayodhya and honours our country on the global stage.” He also said, “The government has fulfilled the aspirations of the citizens and sants of Ayodhya. Now, it is the collective responsibility of everyone to elevate this honour to new heights.” He warned that this was not a time for complacency. “Those who remain idle will miss out. We must avoid divisions based on caste, opinion, language, or religion, as such divisions will only weaken us. Our heritage and nation are secure now, and we must boldly counter anyone who questions our existence. The future of India is intertwined with Sanatan Dharma, and our identity should be defined by our commitment to service rather than by mere advertisements,” he said. He paid heartfelt tributes to those who sacrificed their lives for the Ram Temple. During his visit, the Chief Minister also met with Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust President Nritya Gopal Das Maharaj and visited the Mani Ram Das Cantonment to enquire about the well-being of its residents. Additionally, he met Suresh Das Ji Maharaj at Digambar Akhara and Kishore Das Ji Maharaj at Bada Bhakt Mal, where he was honoured with a shawl. Mahant Awadhesh Das and other sants were present during these meetings.