New Delhi- The BJP’s move to release three audio clips, purportedly featuring Uttam Nagar legislator Naresh Balyan and a gangster, on Saturday raised questions if legislators in Delhi allegedly scare builders through goons and take a share in the collected extortion money. In the audio clips of two-six minute duration shared by the BJP, the gangster is purportedly heard asking the AAP legislator to make quick decisions about whether he wanted to engage him or not. However, IANS could not verify the authenticity of the audio clips.Delhi BJP President Virender Sachdeva alleged the gangster speaking to AAP legislator in the audio clip is London-based gangster Kapil Sangwan, a native of Najafgarh in West Delhi.The BJP’s fresh attack on the ruling AAP came a day after Kejriwal slammed the BJP-led Centre on Friday for its alleged failure to maintain law and order in the city and highlighted a so-called spurt in extortions, abductions, murders and rapes.In one of the audio clips, the legislator is purportedly heard negotiating an amount with the gangster who claims that he does not take up tasks involving less than “25” and the MLA can be heard suggesting “10 or 15”.The gangster also tells the legislator that he avoids calling potential extortion targets in Delhi through mobile phones as these get tracked by police. “They may question or harass the person about the reason behind the call received by them,” said the alleged gangster.During the purported discussion, the legislator also informed the gangster that he would be acquiring a new phone and that all future discussions would be held on that new number.The audio clips also purportedly feature plot discussions and a patwari who they claimed was scared of stepping out of his house or going to the office.Accusing AAP leaders of involvement in extortion from businessmen and builders in Delhi, BJP National Spokesman Gaurav Bhatia released the three audio clips at a press conference in New Delhi.Bhatia described Balyan as an “extortionist” who has been harassing builders with the consent of AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal and engaging gangsters to collect protection money from traders and builders.The BJP leader also highlighted how during the extortion discussions the MLA and gangsters purportedly agreed to split the extortion money through hawala.Bhatia demanded answers from Kejriwal and Chief Minister Atishi on the purported involvement of Balyan in extortions and said, “The elected government in Delhi is threatening people. If Kejriwal does not answer the questions raised by these audio clips, it would prove that he is the kingpin of the extortion racket.”Balyan was earlier involved in a controversy surrounding a liquor scam. He was summoned by the police in 2015 over a large liquor haul found in a warehouse linked to him. The AAP leader had claimed innocence and described the seizure as a political conspiracy against him.