New Delhi- In a sharp attack on the AAP’s leadership, Parvesh Verma, BJP’s candidate for the New Delhi Assembly seat, accused former Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal of failing to provide jobs to the youth in the constituency. Verma, who set up a registration camp on Peshwa Road on Wednesday, promised employment opportunities for locals, particularly targeting women, who are also attending the camp seeking jobs. Speaking to IANS, Verma criticised the AAP government, stating, “In 11 years, Arvind Kejriwal has not provided even a single job in the New Delhi Assembly. My goal is to first ensure the well-being of the mothers and sisters here, and then create employment opportunities for their children so that their families can thrive. After that, we will work to make their houses permanent and get them registered.”Verma went on to say that the people of the New Delhi constituency are ready to oust Kejriwal, adding, “In 11 years, Kejriwal neither visited their homes nor invited them into his. This time, the people are fully prepared to defeat him.”Verma further responded to the AAP’s Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh’s recent actions, where Singh tried to enter the Prime Minister’s residence as part of the ‘Sheesh Mahal’ and ‘Raj Mahal’ controversy.Verma mocked him, saying, “Sanjay Singh will complain that no one can enter the Rashtrapati Bhavan like that; permission is required. I’ve already written to the Public Works Department (PWD) requesting permission. If I get it, I’ll go with him too.”Verma also commented on the ongoing controversy surrounding Delhi CM Atishi and the issue of her official residence. He claimed, “Atishi was told to take her residence, but she refused because Kejriwal does not let her sit in his chair. If he won’t allow her to enter his house, why blame the PWD? Atishi has two bungalows. The fault lies with her.”With Delhi’s Assembly elections around the corner, Verma’s bold assertions and his promises of jobs and better living conditions for constituents are adding fuel to the intense electoral battle.